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New EU Project!! - "InterMu-Se"
Inter-religious coalition building against anti-Muslim hatred and anti-Semitism
DCIF is delighted to be part of new EU project aiming to combat discrimination and intolerance, in particular on grounds of religion and/or ethnic origin.
InterMu- Se aims to address negative stereotypes and intolerance against Jewish people and against Muslims, and to build trust and understanding between Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities, by:
- enhancing availability of data and understanding on how members of Islamic and Jewish religious communities experience prejudice, and of their own prejudice and stereotypes against the “other” communities;
- enhancing access of religious leaders, faith-based institutions and civil society to tailored tools and guidelines for facilitating inter-religious dialogue and cooperation at local (community) level;
- building the capacities and sensitization of religious leaders, faith-based institutions and civil society (Islamic, Jewish, Christian and/or other) on supporting intercultural and interfaith/inter-religious understanding and cooperation at local level;
- enhancing interfaith/inter-religious dialogue and cooperation at local level between religious leaders/communities, civil society and other local stakeholders;
engaging people from different faith/religious communities in dialogue and joint action addressing the needs of their local community;
- raising public awareness and understanding of negative stereotypes and misconceptions against Jewish people and Muslims, and on common traits between different faiths/religions that bring people together. More
DCIF attends Conference on the Future of Europe at the Helix, DCU
The Centre for Religion, Human Values, and International Relations, in partnership with the Irish Inter-Church Meeting and the Dublin City Inter-Faith Forum hosted an in-person meeting at DCU’s Helix Theatre on 24th and 25th February (lunchtime to lunchtime) to develop shared thinking on a number of public issues as a contribution to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE).
Access videos videos and the report on the event here
When local community leaders, faith leaders and community gardaí come together to look at the issues of hate and extremism, it presents a rare opportunity to get to know one another, share experiences and reflect on the harm and impact whilst identifying areas of common concern. It also creates a powerful and positive message of solidarity and support for those who are genuinely invested and willing to play a role in the local community.
Safe Haven Interfaith hate and extremism response training has now completed its first set of sessions for 2024 with our faith and community leaders and community gardaí in the North East Inner City (NEIC Dublin) area of Dublin. For further enquiries about this program please contact us at:
DCIF Safe Haven advocate, Bridget O'Flaherty sharing experience of SH training
The 'Faiths in Focus' Project
We were thrilled to work with the amazing team at Chester Beatty with support from the Heritage Council Ireland in developing "Faiths in Focus". This project fosters an understanding and harmony amidst diverse faith communities in Dublin City. Click on the title to watch the insightful video series showcasing the profound dialogues among DCIF colleagues stimulated through the exploration of religious artifacts from the fabulous collection at the museum.
DCIF is Celebrating 10 Years Since Its Foundation!
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