Dublin City Interfaith Forum is shocked by the appalling attacks at the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch and at the mosque in the suburb of Linwood in New Zealand.
Representing many different faiths, we are united in sorrow for those who have lost loved ones and for the injured. We join in prayer with all right minded people across the world in solidarity with the victims”, said DCIF Chair, Ms Hilary Abrahamson.
Archbishop of Dublin Dr Michael Jackson and member of Dublin City Interfaith Forum said: ‘It is with intense sadness that the whole world learned of the terrorist attack on two mosques in Christ Church New Zealand. The targeting of people at prayer cannot be condoned and must be condemned. Our sympathy goes to all who suffer and to all who grieve as we remember before God those who have been killed in these particular attacks. Our thoughts and prayers are with all members of the Muslin Community in Ireland and in New Zealand at this time.’
The interfaith group also condemned any incitement to hatred and division and stands side by side with the Islamic Organizations in Ireland when affirming: ‘We believe that these horrendous and inhumane attacks are against all human and moral values and are crimes against humanity that cannot be justified under any circumstances. Acts such as these should be denounced wherever and whenever they occur. Terrorism has no welcome place in any society or community, and we condemn terrorism in all its forms and stand in support of all victims and their families, no matter when, no matter where. ‘
Lord Mayor of Dublin Nial Ring said “My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Christchurch and New Zealand at this very sad time and in particular with the families of those who lost their lives in the attacks at two mosques in Christchurch today. On behalf of the people of Dublin I wish to express my sincere sympathies to all who are injured and grieving. Suaimhneas síoraí dóibh.”
‘The atrocity carried out today is pure evil and has no place in humanity let alone in any religion to which we may belong. Once again it’s the innocent people praying in a place have worship who have been targeted. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and the community in New Zealand said Imam Arslaan Khan, Al Madina Mosque.
DCIF stands firm in solidarity against any act of terrorism perpetrated and pray for security and safety for all of humanity.
Friday 15th March 2019
All faiths, Integration, Mutuality, Pluralism, Respect, United