Date: Saturday 22nd Feb, 2020 | 17:00
The Dublin City Interfaith Forum (DCIF) condemns unreservedly, and with one unified voice, the recent discriminatory comments made by Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary.
Racial and religious profiling condemns and tarnishes a whole community for the actions of a few, and is by its very nature racist and discriminatory.
O’Leary’s comments suggesting that Muslim males should be singled out by security at airports only serves to fuel an atmosphere already rife with unjustified anti-Islamic feelings and Islamophobia. Mr O’Leary is feeding an ugly and growing reality of racism in Irish life with his comments; and considering that they come on foot of a racist and murderous incident in Germany only offers a wider context to his comments that make them even more reprehensible.
The DCIF calls on all public persons with an audience for their words and statements to moderate their language, and to be mindful of the harm that they can do with careless and racist comments. There is no place for the kind of racist and inflammatory language used by O’Leary in civilised public life. The DCIF hopes that he will reflect and learn from this shameful incident, and make some kind of real gesture to indicate that he has learned from his careless speech.
In the current climate, it is more important than ever that the kind of language and opinions voiced by O'Leary are challenged, condemned and widely acknowledged as being unacceptable.
The DCIF would like to take this opportunity to offer our support and solidarity to our Irish Muslim brothers and sisters at this time, and to all the fine Muslim citizens that count Ireland as their home.
The DCIF will never remain silent in the face of such racism and bigotry.